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"Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" visited Richland Center, Wisconsin, to rescue the Anders-Beatty family from their crumbling home in October 2008. The water damage, peeling roof and nesting critters lend to this home a dreadful appearance and had left it in dangerous disrepair. Ty and his designers  completely restored the home in only seven days, giving the Anders-Beatty family the quality of life they richly deserve.


Rochelle Anders has been an excellent first-grade teacher for the past 29 years, having received the 2005 Wal-Mart Teacher of the Year Award from Richland Center. She has four children, Tess, Reid, Drew and Tyler, who range from ages 12 to 20. When their father suddenly died from a heart attack, Rochelle tried to repair their dilapidated home. Despite her attempts, the roof is peeling apart, the wood siding and ceilings are crumbling, and squirrels, birds and mice are nesting in the walls. Inside the house, holes are evident in the ceilings and water damage has stained the walls. With only a wood-burning furnace to heat the home, the children had to live with relatives this past winter. Ty and his designers stepped in to keep the family together by keeping the house itself together.


Stocor was happy to provide portable storage for their needs during this process.                     


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